It’s obvious to see why field service businesses are having difficulties. Field service business’s primary task is scheduling, creating a list of service visits, and visited. And aren’t spreadsheets just ideal list-processing tools?


Then why is it a challenge? We Know Why…


  • Is it because it is difficult managing and changing technicians schedules?
  • How do you do it today?
  • In a separate system?
  •  How much time does it take?
  •  Does it get out of date?
  • What has been the result?
  • What happens when schedules change?
  • Do technicians get double booked?
  • Could not access a real-time view of open service calls and technicians in a graphical environment with drag and drop rescheduling capabilities to move service calls among technicians or to different times throughout the day or week?


One of the vital data necessary for Field Service is customer information. If you are having difficulty with this, then it’s time to think about moving forward.