This feature allows multiple Sub-Invoices to be consolidated to one Consolidated Invoice”.
When Posting an invoice on a Document, each posting can now be individually set for Consolidation.
For example it is now possible to post a standard invoice, and then create three more Sub-Invoices for consolidating to a Consolidated Invoice on the same job.
When the Consolidate option is selected, revenue will be posted to a “Sub-Invoice” which can later be consolidated to one invoice.
Note that by specifying the “Posting Date for Consolidated Invoices” the invoice can be posted to Accounts Receivable (AR) in any period.
This allows invoices to be accumulated during in one month with the Consolidated Invoice being posted to AR in the same period or different period.
Consolidated Invoices can only be processed from the Service Manager Day End Program.
There are filters to allow all Sub-Invoices to be grouped by customer before processing the
consolidated invoice to AR.
A new print form has been introduced to generate the physical invoice or the AR Batch can be used
to print the invoice.
The Consolidation option can be turned on or off with individual postings at any time.
Select the Post icon to post an invoice in Document Entry.
The Post form will appear. Select the “Consolidate Invoice” check box to create a Sub-invoice ready to be consolidated by the Day End process
A Sub-invoice number will be created. An invoice will not be processed to Accounts Receivable at this time.
The “Consolidate Invoice” check box can be set to on by default by selecting it from the Setup tab.
This option will turn the “Consolidate Invoice” option on by default when the Post icon is selected.
Consolidation is performed as part of the Service Manager Day End function.
Note: Whilst the Inventory Day End function will run a Service Manager Day End, Consolidation of invoices can only be run from the Service Manager Day End program.
Sub-Invoices must be posted before they will be visible in the Inv. Consolidation tab in Service Manager Day End.
That is selecting the Post icon and checking Consolidate Invoice does not in itself do anything unless the Sub-invoice is actually posted.
From the Service Manager Day End it is possible to sort columns in the Inv Consolidation form by clicking a column header.
There are four consolidation options to help filter Sub-Invoices in the List.
Note that choosing this option will not allow individual selection of a Sub-Invoice. Select >> to load all Sub-Invoices in the list box.
Check a Column Header to sort data in the list by that column.
Select Process to run a Day End.
All Sub-Invoices will be consolidated by Customer to separate consolidated invoices in Accounts Receivable. i.e. one consolidated invoice will be created per customer.
Select >> to load all Sub-Invoices in the list box.
Check a Column Header to sort data in the list by that column.
Sub-Invoices may be checked individually for consolidating to one invoice by
Customer. Check all Sub-Invoices to be consolidated.
Select Process to run a Day End.
Although there can be many Sites per Customer, this option allows selection by specific Customer only.
Choose a Customer and select >>.
All Sub-Invoices for that Customer will display.
Check all invoices to be consolidated.
Once the list is finalized select Process to run Day End.
Note: All Sub-Invoices will be consolidated to a separate consolidated invoice in Accounts Receivable for the Customer selected. i.e. one consolidated invoice will be created for that customer.